XCOM: Enemy Within is a great tactical/strategy RPG that can give you more than 50 hours of content, especially if delve deeper with mods and its new ...[Read More]
Freedom Fighters had a re-release digitally last year on September 21, 2020, on PC, and this is my complete review for Freedom Fighters.
Dishonored: Definitive Edition is one of the best games to play in the 2010s, and here is our complete review of this amazing action-adventure stealth...[Read More]
A lot has failed this genre, most notably Mighty No. 9, but knowing this, is Android Hunter A up to the challenge to redeem this genre?
Vincent Brooke is afraid of having a commitment with his partner and a new woman came into his life. Will he be able to solve this dilemma?
A new racing game is out on the horizon, but the question is, is it worth your every penny?
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope just came out, but how does that fair with the first game? Let's get to know the first game to set an expecta...[Read More]
Is Genshin Impact actually just a Breath of the Wild clone? Let's find out together in this review of Genshin Impact.
World War Z is probably the closest thing we could get for a Left for Dead 3. Curious? Find out why!
Have you not played any Visual Novels yet? Want a starter? Then, Our World is Ended is the right one for you!
Croixleur Sigma is a game for those who want to re-experience what we experienced in arcade gaming during the days. Check this out if you are interest...[Read More]
Have you ever been looking for a good 2D side-scrolling, action-platformer indie game that is worth its price? Then Momodora: RUtM is the game for you...[Read More]