Each year, we see more and more video games with female protagonists. Some are badass, some are not. We gather 5 of the amazingly badass female protagonists in video games.
5 Badass Female Protagonists in Video Games

Most games usually have a male protagonist. It is a very common practice, however, we’ve also seen several games with female protagonists.
The protagonists that are eligible to get this badassery:
- Has to be the main character, and not a side kick.
- Not a created character.
1.) Chell (Portal Series)
Portal 2 is the only Portal game I have played, and I was genuinely shock t learn that the character I am using is a female.
What makes her badass:
- Her portal gun alone makes her badass.
- fought a rogue AI twice.
- Silent
2.) Faith (Mirror’s Edge)
As long as you can parkour (well), then you are a badass in my book.
What makes her badass:
- Parkour skills are legendary.
- Can defend herself pretty well if cornered.
- Definitely not afraid of heights
3.) Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)
Lara Croft pioneered the female badass protagonists category.
What makes her badass:
- 11+ games.
- First Badass Female Protagonist
- Goes to different areas in the world to search for dangerous tombs
- fought a T-Rex
4.) Bayonetta (Bayonetta Series)
Oh, Bayonetta. If you can fend off heaven and hell armies, then you are ultimate level badass!
What makes her badass:
- Her hair is her clothes.
- Fights demons and angels, and absolutely destroys them.
- Can shoot from her feet.
5.) Clementine (The Walking Dead Season 2)
What can I say? Poor innocent girl.
What makes her badass?
- 11 year old and killing a lot of zombies
- she has seen it all
- chopped a woman’s arm
What do you think?
These are some of the badass female protagonists in video games. Do you have any suggestion? Let us know and we will feature them on a new video about this one soon!