Here is part 3 of 3 of Microsoft Xbox E3 Conference and what they talked about and announced! This includes Devil May Cry 5, Jump Force, and more!
Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5 made its first official appearance on Microsoft E3 2018 Conference, despite being on the rumor list way before the conference. We can easily on its trailer some cinematics, which looks gorgeous by the way, and some gameplay as well.
The gameplay looks buttery smooth, which has to be expected for an over-the-top action game. It features Nero, one of the main characters in Devil May Cry 4.
The game is set to release in Spring 2019.


Tunic is an adorable indie top-down action RPG developed by Andrew Shouldice, a one-man team. It has colorful visuals, and you will be playing as a cute little fox adventurer as you roll around dodging, and weaving enemies’ attack.
No proper release date, however, but it will (hopefully) be released in 2019.

Jump Force

Jump Force is the epitome of anime collaboration in this decade. Although, they already did it more than a decade ago with Battle Stadium D.O.N.
You will be able to play as your favorite anime characters such as Naruto, Goku, Luffy, Frieza, and many more. The E3 gameplay demo they showcased only had few characters, but it is expected to have a grand roster once it is released to the shelves. The trailer even hinted Death Note.

Dying Light 2

Dying Light is one of my favorite zombie games, and they even keep updating the game even after years of being already out on the shelves.
Dying Light 2 is definitely going to be a must-buy for me, and they even added actual consequences and choices in this game, which is a good innovation from the linear boring story of Dying Light; one of its weakness.
They have not said any release date, but hopefully, we can get the game by 2019.


One of the bigger announcements in the Microsoft E3 Conference was that a new Battletoads is under development by Rare, developers of GoldenEye and the recently launched Sea of Thieves.
It was a very short teaser without any gameplay. However, we learn that it will include a 3-player couch co-op (YES!), and hand-drawn graphics. (YES AGAIN!)
It is going to be released in 2019.
Just Cause 4

Just Cause 4 is also one of the games that was revealed in Microsoft E3 2018 Conference. The trailer is already on-point on the greatest strengths of the Just Cause series.
This over-the-top open world may even go beyond with the upcoming sequel, and it is actually coming out this December 4, 2018!

Gears Of War 5

Gears 5 is officially announced at Microsoft E3 2018 Conference, and its debut trailer definitely looks gorgeous!
The story seems to focus on Kait as she takes on a personal mission, forcing her to even ignore the chain of command. Long-time Marcus Phoenix is still present in the game and will be a support character as well.
In 2019, we will get to see this anticipated Gears 5 on the shelves.