Best Deals: $30-$50 Games

Best Deals: $30-$50 Games

The best deals are here! You can buy games for only $30-$40!


Here at TGC, you can receive the latest news about the Best Deals on gaming.
Here are the list and prices of games that are on sale:
• Destiny (PS4, Xbox One) – $40
GTA V – $50
• GTA IV (PS3, Xbox 360) – $20
Call of Duty Series – $20
Fifa 15 – $30
• Battle Field 4 (PS4, Xbox One) – $30
The Evil Within (Xbox One) -$30
TitanFall (Xbox One) – $27
Evolve (PC) – $45 (Preorder with the code EVOLVE-THANKS-25OFFX)
That’s all for today! See you on the next “Best Deals!”

A laid-back guy, loves making friends, a big fan of Video Games, Cars, and Cool Technology stuff.

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