Karl Christopher Cristobal

Dedicated YouTuber | Game Reviewer | Programmer | Forever INFP

Humble Capcom x Sega PlayStation Bundle Just Launched Today

PlayStation users, rejoice! Humble Bundle is doing a Capcom x Sega Bundle for you.

Degica Week Sale on Humble Bundle Right Now

Fan of Japanese video games? Degica, a Japanese video game publisher, has a huge sale this week at Humble Bundle.

Valve Acquired the Developers of Firewatch, Campo Santo Studio

An unlikely buyer, Valve, bought Campo Santo Studio, developers of Firewatch. Is Valve making a comeback in developing full-pledged games?

Subaeria, the Roguelike Puzzle Oriented Adventure Game, Has Been Delayed

Mayday! Mayday! Subaeria’s release date has been moved, as it undergoes a more thorough polishing touch for its core gameplay.

Princess Maker 5 Coming Soon to Steam!

The famous life-simulation series, Princess Maker, will have its 5th game to be released on Steam.

Highly Anticipated Horror-Survival Game, Agony, Finally Has a Release Date

One of the most anticipated horror-survival games, Agony, is coming out soon on all major platforms.

Capcom is having a Weekend Sale on Humble Bundle!

Capcom will be having a weekend sale on Humble Bundle! Up to 80% off, and it includes Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, and more!

Humble Bundle is Giving Away Satellite Reign for 48 Hours!

Here comes another free game from Humble Bundle! Check out this class-based strategy game, Satellite Reign!

Support this Point-and-Click Adventure Game, Jengo, on Fig!

A point-and-click Adventure game needs some funding! Jengo launches its crowdfunding campaign and it needs your help to reach its goals!

Point-and-Click Horror Game, Without Escape, heading to PC!

A Point-and-Click horror game inspired by the old-school games of the 90s is set to launch on PC soon.

Sci-Fi Week Humble Bundle Sale is here!

Humble Bundle announces its new weekly sale, and it is all about Sci-Fi games!

The Banner Saga 3 Launch Date Announced!

The Finale of the Viking-Fantasy trilogy, The Banner Saga 3, is coming out on all major platforms soon.