Think a student can’t develop an awesome company-like game? Well, I suggest you think again.
A group of seven students from Montreal’s NAD (National Animation and Design Center) created a game called “Trailed” using Unreal Engine 4, and it’s about a woman trying to survive a post-apocalyptic wilderness.
It does, however, remind us of Tomb Raider and The Last of Us, check it out for yourself:

According to their forum thread, their main goal is to “push [their] design, artistic, and technical skills to the limit” which they did!
Now, we don’t know if this game will be available for publishing and playing but we really hope it will because it has not just great graphics, but it seems like it has a nice story on it.
And now for some epic screenshots of the game:
So that’s all about this wonderful game, we really hope that it will be published soon so we can create an awesome Review out of it, for discussions, just comment down below.
Sources: Kotaku, Unreal Engine